Once upon a time, there was a wonderful woman named Maryse... The entries are displayed in the order of most recently added appearing on top. Please use the "Blog Archive" navigation guide on the right margin to view them in chronological order, one at a time.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #104
Today is the ninth anniversary. Time marches on...and this photo was taken this morning. Last month's problem seen on the new growth resulted from Joel, worrying about some unseen insects that were eating away the new leaves, sprayed this ficus tree with insecticide. That has now passed. December is about to end bringing the colder months of January and February. Then March and April will come... Time does march on relentlessly...
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #103
There is a change in personel, and Christina, who was caring for this ficus has retired after many years of service. She is replaced by Joel, the new curator. After the weed was cleared in this area, the Ficus religiosa received some new tender loving care, as seen by the aluminum wrapping to protect the trunk at the bottom. But... The many new growths are not well. All newly sprouted leaves turn brown and wilting away. We need to find the cause of this new challenge... Stay tuned.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #102
Finally, free at last! This area finally got a good clean up and all the overgrown weeds have been cleared, freeing all resident plants, including the ficus tree. There are many new branches and hopefully some of them will be able to help make this tree grow taller. This slow growth may be attributable to the intrusion of brackish water from Biscayne bay only about 1.5 miles away. Ficus can weather this condition... it only takes time to adapt. Let's wait.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #101
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Monthly Progress #100
We are overwhelmed! It has been raining and raining and raining everyday in Miami. That is the reason this month's blog is late. Storms gather daily and rain has been pouring daily for many weeks. The consequences? Look at this photo, this area is hopelessly covered with growth and the ficus is barely seen. Because of the incessant We will have to wait until things calm down a little bit more and hopefully the weed will be cleared out, eventually... But... we are keeping watch on a tropical storm named Dorian. She is forecast to become a hurricane in a few more days. Hopefully, she will not pay a visit to Miami... then we will be inundated!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #99
This area is totally overwhelmed by the wild growth of weed... and it looks like we can't keep it cleared... yet. With much rain lately, it's no wonder. The ficus is dropping leaves on the top and is growing many new branches on its lower half. That seems to be the way it prefers to grow. We'll just wait.
Monday, June 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #98
Compare this photo to the one of the previous month of May! Rainy season is HERE! The weed is growing wild, and it is very costly to keep it in check. Eventually the workers will get to this area for a "haircut." This ficus tree definitely does not want to grow taller... yet. It really prefers to put out new growths in the bottom area. Who are we to say otherwise? We will let it be. There are many new growths but obscured by the weed in this photo, but they are there. Oh well!
Friday, May 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #97
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #96
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #95
It was exactly 8 years ago, when this tree was planted here. The growth has been very slow, but it has begun to finally making progress. A resident tree expert has suggested to me that she wants to trim all the lower growths away to force the ficus to grow more vigorously on the top. I agreed and she will probably begin soon. The rain will be here next month so that change may make a big difference.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #94
It is becoming increasingly difficult to have a good photo of the ficus tree because of the vegetation growing wild around this area. The growth has slowed down in the "colder" months... Hopefully growth will resume in a few more months. Tick tock...
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Monthly Progress #93
Unbelievably, we are in the year 2019, meaning another year has retreated into the past! Here is the ficus, welcoming the month of January of the new year. Because of the new plants in this area, the ficus can only be shown from a few vantage points. This photo is looking due North, silhouetting a very handsome shape, proving that Ficus religiosa is not deciduous after all, probably thanks to the warmer surroundings afforded by the many new plants around it. I am not sure about you, but I think it is very handsome. In this blog, some of the photos are displayed sideways. I am not sure why that is... that has something to do with the Xs and the Ys... I will figure this out eventually...
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