Once upon a time, there was a wonderful woman named Maryse...
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Monday, March 7, 2011
A Certain Smile
Aristocratic and discreet, not too many people have the chance to catch this rare and thus precious smile from her heart. This was at 30 Rue de Campo Formio, in the 13th "arrondissement" of Paris where we walked a thousand times the beautiful tree lined Boulevard de l'Hopital to get to Place d'Italie, or to return from a late night outing from the Nationale metro station to the South. We knew this area so well I can still see it in my dreams and I can hear our foot steps on the deserted nocturnal boulevard.
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Vocalist: Johnny Mathis A Certain Smile
A certain smile, a certain face,
can lead an unsuspecting heart on a merry chase.
A fleeting glance can say so many lovely things,
suddenly you know why my heart sings.
You love a while and when love goes,
you try to hide the tears inside with a cheerful pose.
But in the hush of night exactly like a bittersweet refrain,
comes that certain smile to haunt your heart again.
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