Friday, July 17, 2020

Monthly Progress #107-111

Since February of this year 2020, the world was hit with the highly contagious Corona Virus, designated as Covid-19 (for Corona Virus Disease 2019.) That has immensely disturbed every one's way of life and confinement has prevented me to come reporting on the monthly status of this ficus tree. Today is the first time I can come to snap this photo. The area is again overtaken by wild growth of weed and grass is knee high. But this tree is continuously given tender loving care as seen by the stake and wire to keep it straight from the constant northerly wind year round. It is very strange and I have observed that none of the fruit trees in Miami have borne fruits this summer... no mangoes, no longans, no lychees... no fruits! Is this virus that potent and the cause of this? Hmmm... But life goes on...The ficus is putting out many new growths, too small to be seen easily but can be seen at close inspection in this photo... so it is growing... slowly but surely... It is still quite dire for us to deal with this covid-19 today, and the future is uncertain until we ( the human species) can figure out how to vanquish these invisible tiny spherically deadly evils (pun intended... it is spherically deadly because it is deadly at any angle you look at it.) But I am sure this will pass. Vocid-19 or not, I am growing...


  1. I figured that was why I wasn't getting monthly updates all spring. :) I'm glad to see both you and the ficus are healthy.

  2. As for the fruits..... they require pollination, right? Several of my friends note a drastic drop in the population of butterflies, caterpillars, and bees. I, on the otherhand, discovered there's a bumblebee hive next to my house. But I'm in the Pacific Northwest, so that doesn't help the fruits down in Florida.

  3. Don't know if you remember your comments on my Murakami Norwegian Wood blog... I finally watched Turkish Delight! The first scenes of the movie startled me and turned me off, but a few days later, I returned to watch the entire movie. Very very good and a great love story. Thanks for the referral.
